Juliet English

Home Educator


TIPS FOR TALKING TO YOUR MP ABOUT HOME EDUCATION This article was originally written with the help of Mari Greenfield to address Lord Soley’s Home Education Bill, but some may find it useful yet again as we face yet more challenges from all sides in 2024. Many home educators feel nervous about approaching their Member… Continue reading TIPS FOR TALKING TO YOUR MP ABOUT HOME EDUCATION

The Learning Delusion

The Learning Delusion This morning, I came across this article by Peter Gray on the Psychology Today website, which tells of kindergarten teachers from Brookline, Massachusetts, who presented a letter to the school committee to protest the approach to teaching children in kindergarten. “Therefore, we are here tonight to share with you our concerns about… Continue reading The Learning Delusion

Choosing an Educational Approach

Choosing An Educational approach Many people don’t realise it, but home education rarely resembles “school at home”. When you first consider home educating, you may think that there is a prescribed way in which you must educate your child at home, but as you can read here: “There is no legal definition of “full-time” in… Continue reading Choosing an Educational Approach

Billy Arthur Walden – home education success story

Billy Arthur Walden – A Home Education Success Story Billy Arthur Walden is an excellent example of how home education gives young people an opportunity to take charge of their own education and achieve excellent results simply by pursuing their own interests and passions.Billy’s mum, Jayne, officially removed him from school at age 12, although… Continue reading Billy Arthur Walden – home education success story

Running a home education support group

Running a home education support group Why start a Support Group? Making the decision to home educate is, for most people, a really big deal, and not a decision arrived at lightly.  Often, the new home educator will be challenged by friends, family, school heads/teachers and even complete strangers about the decision they’ve made, which… Continue reading Running a home education support group

The Case For Home Education

Travel and home education go hand-in-hand

The Case For Home Education Home education is by no means a new or strange concept.  The institution of school, however, as a means for educating the majority, is more recent, with mass compulsory schooling only becoming popular in the last 150-200 years. Prior to mass schooling, the vast majority of children were raised and… Continue reading The Case For Home Education