I am wife to Larry, and mum to 7 amazing young people. I started out working as a social worker, but made the decision to become a stay-at-home mum in 1993, with three little ones at home. We subsequently made the decision to home educate in 1998 when we were still living in South Africa, and became part of a thriving and friendly home ed community. We continued home educating after we moved to the UK. My youngest is still being home educated so we now have over 25 years of experience! I am still very involved in the home educating community. I have run successful home ed groups in 3 cities, co-ordinate the Learn Free Home Educators Conference annually (May) in the UK, ,speak and write about all things home ed, and am very involved in initiatives to promote home education as a legal right and valid option in the UK. I am passionate about home educating, and love to support and encourage other parents who choose this educational route for their children. Home Education helps families from all backgrounds to connect and find common ground.